Thursday, November 10, 2005

OK Stage 2 we can start listing on Overstock SRA for now and we need to let Carla know that we want to have a low tolerance rule for copying artists and a place where people will not list prints to put our artwork! This will be a long process, Carla today is setting up a proposal for disabling all right clicking on auctions and then will submit a proposal and want all of us to send individual emails to her to give to overstock as part of this proposal

The proposal will be that we have a low tolerance listing where we as ORIGINAL ARTISTS can list our artwork, where we can have a VERY specific policy on copying and a moderator who will promise to listen and report asap.

We will alos open up a discussion board as we move into overstock to help guide us through the process and iron out the wrinkles

Overstock will give listing monies to those with high feedback scores and powersellers in order to get these free listing monies you need to call Carla Williams at Overstock

In order for overstock to do their job correctly we will all need to email Carla individually so she can make a grand case to the higher ups!

Here is the info you need to do these things:

Carla WIlliams 801 947 3100

Please let us do this together and move as one big force we can have the kind of auction site we can be proud of to list on :)