Just a hello
Has been awhile since I said hi to Y'all
Working hard
Playing little
Christmas was for the kids
WHich was new
Then my 5 year anniversary was spent in Yosemite of course
I am hanging again at the coffee shop
working on a banner project with Phantom Galleries
87 artists live auction and 3 months up on Del Paso Blvd
Opening up Second Saturday Art Market again in March for the year
Cesar Chavez Plaza will open in May and end in Nov. and be held every Thursday from 10 am to 2 pm
I have high expectations that all these projects will be a huge success
Working with Gervais Fine Art Festivals and planning a HUGE art festival in October on Del Paso Blvd.
and one in SF and one in Petaluma and another in Santa Rosa again in November as well
But i expect Sacramento to be huge.
The final destination for the live auction of the 87 banners will hopefully be The Art Market which is exciting
The local magazine cover was nice, but so far no huge sales out of it
I am sick of dumping out 1k a month to EBay and am trying my hand on overstock for all my new paintings before I give them up to galleries, furniture stores, and the coffee shop.
Feeling like my child needs me more than ever and I need to back off of my career fo ranother year or two
Health is still pretty poor, but I am more confident now than before, feeling like I am back in control of it at least.
36 years old, how did that happen? Still bop around thinking I a 20 and cute and all those things I was~ Well, I gave that up for infinite wisdom and a mellow disposition I certainly didn't have then. LOL.
Business wise, I am going to a very structured art marketing group and also doing a free for all once a month at the coffee shop on saturdays at 11am 3rd Saturday of the month for HELP with all these things I want to do and have already started. Problem is saturation in my area~
That, and my child, have led me to believe that focusing on selling online is still the best option for me at this time in my life.
There has been a lot of talk about me opening up a gallery in town, and that may happen still but I am not devoting time to it quite yet. Probably by years end there will be at least somewhere you can view my work full time in Sacramento.
I am loving teh furniture stores, and working one on one with interior designers both have led me in new direction in my art I might not have tried ~
I am SURE there are some things going on I have left out~
So much is happening personally
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