Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Hi Y'all Just steppin into say HI!
I have been BUSY listing on EBAY


I love it! Did a commission job for a couple but ... think it is a re-do so I will be posting it on EBAY soon enuff~ Beautiful piece of art, just not exactly what they asked for~

Ees Pretty, no?? Got a CURIOUS comment on here, so I am switching to have to be a member to comment~ Don't want to be spreading any viruses in here... sorry guys!

Please check out my EBAY store, and send out emails to all your friends, it is not everyday that you get such high quality art and such reasonable prices, everyone can own ORIGINAL ART share the message!

Friday, September 16, 2005


What a couple of weeks!!

Those festivals are HARD work! and addicting. We are talking about being in Campbell for the art and wine festival next weekend as well as Oct. 1st for the South Natomas Chamber dealio in front of our local library~ "celebrating natomas" howdy neighbor! Doing that with Diane Mattar my neighbor and a great artist! The Greater Broadway Partnership the following weekend as well as Second Saturday up on Del Paso Blvd.
Then, hopefully, I will get into the Harvest Festival up here in Sacramento~ The owner was nice enough to email me and ask me to come but by the time I said yes, they were already booked so I am on the waiting list~ Haven't heard back from Crocker about the Holiday SHow so I might just go ahead and sign myself up for the Harvest Festival in San Diego the weekend after Thanksgiving~ I know tehre is more but I cannot remember it now.

I am going to pick up my artwork from South Port Coffee tomorrow morning which I have to tell you I am really sad about! It was a great 6 weeks and I sold 10 paintings~ Sigh.

My great friend Manuela Valenti who is currently residing in Spain fixed my EBay auctions so you can SEE them now! THANK YOU MANUELA!! I wouldn't have made it on EBay at all if it wasn't for her!

So, that said, I am back on old EBay and Overstock, but the customers are SHY because I haven't been around a couple of months~ October is usually the start of the "good" season on Ebay so, I am hopeful, cause this family is FLAT broke!
I plan to do some hustling this weekend with some paintings and my portfolio to the local galleries~ Need to at least feel like I am doing something!

What else can I tell you?? Mountain View was HARD as I wrote in my news letter but it is a LOT like gambling and I am onboard with this whole festival thing!